Puppy Developmental Periods

Puppy Developmental periods

Self - Control, Frustration, Tolerance, Relaxation. 


4-6 weeks old: with other dogs (breeders responsibility)

4-12 weeks old humans, other animals & environmental exposure.

Fear Response

5-12 weeks old with sensitive markers normally 8 & 10 weeks old.

Being aware of these fear periods is essential for protecting your puppies.
The Critical Period for puppies is 5/6 weeks of age to 12 weeks of age depending on breed types. This period is critical because development is rapid therefore learning about the environment that surrounds it is crucial but at a rate that the individual puppy is habituating to not flooded & therefore sensitised to specific experiences.

Puppies consider before 12 weeks old which means they do not move forward, this can be captured & reinforced. This is the beginning of an emotional management, re-call & connection to you the handler. The most important positive reinforcer (R+) in the puppy's life developing in to a well-rounded adult dog.

Secondary Socialisation period — 12 — 16/18 weeks depending on breed type.
It is not just what puppies see, it is what they hear & high on the list is what they smell. Seeing is crucial to learning. Be aware of how the environment affect your puppies emotional state, after all it is emotional state that drives all behaviour that we see however subtle.  Dogs do not tell lies - listen to them & never ever force them to do anything they do not wish to do.

Socialisation — is learning to interact

Habituation — learning to ignore animals ie/ chickens, ducks, sheep etc & learning not to not worry about the environments that surround them.

Remember that we are building different sets of social skills for different situations.

Tailor made & appropriate socialisation.  Self – Control, Frustration, Tolerance, Relaxation and Focus


The Puppy Playground

The importance of Proprioception

Over, Under, Through and  On  building confidence, exploration,discovery, adventure. Hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting & engaging.

We have created a sterilised space for puppies at 9 weeks old, a week after their 1st vaccinations to come & explore in a safe environment with other puppies of the same age or on their own.

Puppies can begin Puppy Classes at 9 weeks of age once they have had their 1st vaccination — this additional Adventure Playground has been created for extra stimulation in the Critical Period of Learning.


Find Us

We operate from:

Oxney Cottage. Kingsley Common.
Forge Road. Kingsley. Hampshire. GU35 9LR


To find out more before you make your booking...

07771 637016


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